Url: Vanadiel-legion.com
Timezone: PST mostly. All locations welcome we have a wide variety of players.
Objective: While we will be involved in end game we are set towards having fun instead of turning this game into a second job.
Our goal is to offer players a fun play environment while getting the most possible out of the game, this includes but not limited to:
Group events
Crafting support
Active members in and out of game.
Recruitment:Currently we are recruiting all friendly and active players. By that we don't mean playing hours on end, but we do like you to pop in and say hi.
To join please respond to this post, visit our website or contact an LS leader in game.
Leaders are:
Nubcake Commander
Holy Light
Ennvy Curse
Rude Boi
Kiami Ward
Should you not be able to reach a leader feel free to contact any of the LS members they will assist in getting you into the LS.
Rules: Please visit our website and forums to obtain more details about our rules and the LS.
Vanadiel Legionaires Website